Расписание по ЧИСЛИТЕЛЮ

__Институт Архитектуры,__
Строительства и Энергетики

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директор - (4922) 47-98-70;
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г. Владимир, ул. Горького, 87, Корпус 2 , ауд.525-2

  Кафедра "Теплогазоснабжение, вентиляции и гидравлика"-Heat, Gas Supply and Ventilation  

Главное меню

1989-92gg preparation and holding of the meeting to open the Department of DVT with the regional administration, the leadership of SC Rosgazifikatsiya, FS as well as leaders of fuel - energy, gas, housing and building organizations and enterprises for training in the direction of DVT for the Vladimir region, t and other regions of Russia in the light of modern technology resource.

1993 Order "On the preparation of feasibility studies for new specialties Utilities» № 27 / 1 from 5.03.93g.Resheniem UMO in construction techniques based on the Architectural Faculty D.b.otkryta specialty 290700 "Heat and ventilation".

1994 According to the order 16 / 1 of 10.02.94g. "On the organization of the department" Heat ventilation and hydraulics. The decision of the EMA in construction techniques opened out department DVT ur

Fixed audience: 113 M; 224 M

Lab 516, 517 classrooms. A first group PGSt-491.

The first teachers of the department of DVT and D are:

1. Head. Department of DVT and F VI Tarasenko

2. Ph.D. Associate Professor VM Kondrashov

3. Ph.D. Associate Professor Evdokimov AI

4. Ph.D. Associate Professor Rusakov VE

5. Ph.D. Associate Professor Timahova IS

6. Assistant Ugorova SV

1995 January 6, 1995 signed a contract on the preparation of specialists for gas economy of Russia, between the Vladimir Polytechnic Institute (Sergeev AG), JSC "Rosgazifikatsiya (Dudin, IV), RAO Vladimiroblgas (Tarasenko VI .) Implementation programs, resource, introduction of modern technologies with world-class organization of training center and help poligona.Okazana VPI development department in the amount of 15 million rubles. (computer class)

According to the order of VPI number 144 / 1 of 01.12.1995 he was appointed as the payment of nominal scholarships thermal power complex Vladimir region (95 - 96): Kuraeva EA (G PGSt - 491) Bannikov AS (G PGSt - 492) .1996 g

Open distance learning to obtain a second higher education on the basis of baccalaureate and higher program DVT

Appointed payment of scholarships nominal thermal power of the complex Vladimir Region (1996 - 1997): Lapshin, EN (G DVT - 194) Nikforovu (gr. DVT - 193) The first graduates in the specialty DVT ASF 1918 chelovekZFO-15 attendees

1997 Postgraduate Open - Head Doctor Evdokimov A. and Release specialty DVT (ISF) - 19 people.

(ASG - 492). Release of DVT - 19 people. (FTRA) - 8chel. (ZTGV).

1998 Opening of specialty 2907.00 Release of DVT DVT - 24. (DVT - 199) (FTRA) - 8 people. (ZTGVv - 196).

1999 held Accreditation Department (DVT and D) Release of DVT - 23 people. (TDV - 194) (FTRA) - 15 people. (ZTGVr - 197)

2000 defense held the 1 st graduate student (DVT and D) Shenogina MV (Head Evdokimov AI)

Issue of DVT - 25 people. (DVT - 195) (FTRA) - 13 attendees. (ZTGV - 196).

The expansion of educational premises Department for 60 m2 (124, 125, 126, 127;)

Established 2001 290800 profession "Water supply and drainage" - Ministry of Defense Instruction № 36 F on 10/06/2000. "About creation of working groups on the licensing of new professions"

Issue of DVT - 29 attendees. (DVT - 196) (FTRA) - 11 people. (ZTGV - 197).
Order 71 / 1 of 30.05.2002 "On the formation of the state budget and contract training groups for the 2002/03 academic years. And produced the first set on a specialty 290800 "Water supply and drainage (Group BB-102).
A seminar for teachers and students VlSU and specialists of enterprises, together with JSC VNIIST "-" Diagnosis of Engineering Systems "seminar was held with the Moscow representative office of" Solvay "for teachers and students of the department 1-5 courses DVT + BB VlSU on plastic technologies (PE100 ) for engineering systems.
The contract and developed the international project "Energy saving Kyzylorda on the basis of associated gas" Issue of DVT - 26chel. (TDV-197); (FTRA) - 20chel.
According to the order of the University number 58 / P on 17.10.02 Dept. of DVT + BB participated in the improvement of the educational process on the basis of representations VlSU in Gus-Crystal, Kolchugino, Kasimov, Ryazhsk, Vyazniki.

Work has been completed (grant) GB-293 R & D "Investigation of polyethylene pipes HDPE" PE100 for the construction of gas pipelines to 1,2 MPa (2002, 2003)..

Poizveden repairs and work began on the laboratory is equipped with a number 10 (for specialty water supply and sewerage) Kor. 1

Started the reconstruction of the Corps for a prospective students Hospital Faculty of Life Support Release for DVT - 28chel.

Opening of the training courses offered by direction. DVT and VVZaschita Ph.D. theses graduate Osipova VA (head Evdokimov A. and). and Kuzmin B.I (head Tarasenko VI).

Commissioning laboratory water and wastewater № 010-1

Participation in inter-regional exhibition Stroyprogress 2004Vypusk for DVT - 32chel. (TDV-199) (FTRA) - 21chel. (ZTGV-100).

Participation on 24 March in interregional exhibition "Stroyprogress-2005" and the round table "Information technology training of students and skills development in the direction of" Heat and Vent "water supply and sewerage" 2005.

Conclusion of the contract with the Federal Energy Agency FGU Office of Energy Efficiency and Conservation in the Moscow region (Mosregionenergo). Vladimir branch. Issue of DVT - 29 people. (TDV-100); (FTRA) - 17chel. (ZTGV-101). (FTRA-6 years) - 2 people. (ZTGV-199).

Participation in inter-regional exhibition Stroyprogress 2006 Inclusion in the sooucherediteley an autonomous non-profit organization, the educational-methodical and inzhenenerno - Technological Center Vladgosenergonadzor "(10.01.06) Issue of DVT -30 people. (TDV-101); (FTRA) - 8 people. (ZTGV-102). (FTRA-Vyazniki) -12 people. (ZTGV-102).

Participation in IX interregional exhibition Stroyprogress 2007 and receive diplomatorgovo and Industry Chamber of Vladimir Region Protection postgraduate Kovylina RI (Supervisor A. and Evdokimov).

The joint seminar (March 29) on "Valves AVK» together with the firms Santeh-Service MUE Vladimirvodokanal "who participate in the seminar of heads of departments" Heat and Ventilation (spets.270109 PM Perm) As an experiment, recruit a team with Tveroblgaz "in the number of 26 chelVypusk DVT - 31 people. (TDV-102); (FTRA) - 24. (ZTGV-103). (FTRA-Vyazniki) - 15 people. (ZTGV-103).

2008 Participation in the X interregional exhibition Stroyprogress 2008

and Diploma of Commerce and Industry Chamber of Vladimir region

Holding a round table "energy-saving technology on systems with utilities companies Broingt and KMYU.

Transfer Library VlSU 30 copies of the monograph "Medodicheskie approaches to integrated assessment and optimization of energy (gas supply and gas consumption - GRGP)

Such kinds of specialists are involved in schemes for the provision of heat, gas supply and ventilation in modern cities and towns.

The graduates can work both in designing and building companies dealing with gas and heat supply.


Our address: 87 Gorky street, room 525, Vladimir, Russia

phone: (8+0922) 279986,  phone/Fax 279870



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Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования
"Владимирский государственный университет имени Александра Григорьевича и Николая Григорьевича Столетовых"
Институт Архитектуры, Строительства и Энергетики
2011-2024 год

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